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GDPR Privacy Notice

My GDPR Privacy Notice in connection with the services I provide

My GDPR Notice in connection with the services I provide

This privacy notice has been produced to help you understand why I, your local LDC driving school instructor, require to obtain/store your personal information, how it will be used, who it might be shared with and how long it might be kept. The notice will also remind you of the rights you have under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Where the information is not necessary to deliver the services you require from me it may be necessary for me to obtain your consent to either collect such information in the first place or use it for other purposes than you would legitimately expect.

Below is a list of the Personal Information I may collect and how it will be used:

1. With your consent, I may need to keep your credit/debit card details for the purpose of receiving payment from you for my services or products. This information will be stored in a secure manner to ensure your Personal Data rights are not breached until such time as you cease to use my services or expressly require me to erase/destroy such information if sooner. In either case the information will be disposed of in a secure manner.

2. I will need to keep written and secure digital records of all payments made, lesson appointments booked and lessons delivered for the purpose of maintaining accurate accounting records as is legally required of me for 6 years. At that point the accounts records and any supporting personal information will be disposed of in a secure manner. This information will be held in my paper-based/digital diary, your LDC Workbook if provided, my paperbased Student Record System, my accounts sales day book and potentially digitally on the LDC Student/Instructor online Hub if you choose to use this facility.

3. I will require your name, address, email address, telephone number(s), date of birth and provisional driving licence details for the purposes of:

  • Providing my services as an LDC driving school instructor so that I may contact you or find you or give you access to the online services I provide in legitimate pursuit of this role until my services are no longer required by you. Such information will be recorded in my paper-based Student Record System and potentially digitally on the LDC Student/Instructor online Hub if you choose to use this facility.
  • Booking either a Theory or Driving Test on your behalf.
  • Providing you with access to the LDC Students online Hub to provide you with other ancillary services the contents of which can be erased by you at any time. Providing you with promotional offers in relation to my business with your expressed permission until you otherwise remove such consent.
  • Sharing the information with the franchisor Teaching Driving Limited (t/a LDC) to help assist with the quality control of the LDC franchise network as a whole.
  • Maintaining accurate accounts records as is legally required of me for a period of 6 years (see point 2).

4. I will hold records of your learning progress in my Student Record System and possibly in a secure digital form on the LDC Students/Instructor online Hub to help you know where you are in the training programme at any point in time. This information may be shared with LDC to help assist with the quality control of the LDC franchise network as a whole.

5. I will hold records of your test failures and passes noting where the driving faults occurred on your test report in my paper based Student Record System so that I can monitor my own personal performance in this regard. This information may be shared with LDC to help assist with the quality control of the franchise as a whole.

6. With your consent, upon passing the driving test I would like to take a photograph of you and a written review for the purposes of promoting my services as an LDC driving school franchisee and for the promotion of the LDC brand name as a whole on various secure digital platforms and written media with your expressed permission until you otherwise remove such consent. Please note on social media I and LDC can not prevent this review/photo from being shared or copied by others but both I and LDC would quickly delete all copies on such platforms under our control if you so request.

7. Any personal information not disposed of as stated above will be securely destroyed following 6 years from being received unless you have consented to enable me to retain it for longer.

8. Should I use a dash cam in my training vehicle it would normally be to aid your learning as part of the driving lesson and/or to support any insurance claim I may need to pursue in the event of an incident. Should I need it for any other purpose I would seek your written consent in this regard beforehand. If cameras are fitted clear signage will be on the exterior and interior of my training vehicle. Outward facing cameras record outside of the vehicle and inward facing cameras record primarily what is taking place in the front two seats. If I have a dash cam fitted I will inform all of my customers of this fact. New customers will be informed before their first driving lesson. If you are not happy about cameras recording you do have a right to ask for the interior facing cameras to be turned off during your lesson time. Audio will only be recorded if it aids you and your learning otherwise the camera will be muted. Once you are no longer my customer I will delete any video footage of your lessons within 30 days unless I have your written permission to use them beyond this date for the stated purposes we then agree. I may keep footage for as long as it may be required by my insurance company in support of any actual insurance claim.

If you want to make a complaint about the way I or LDC have processed/used your personal information, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office ICO, as the statutory body in the UK which oversees data protection law, by visiting: